Shadowbane Lore Archives

Collection of Shadowbane Lore includes rare documents


All Father, The: Was Thurin Greater?

The All Father: Was Thurin Greater? I think we can be a little kinder to the All-Father than all this... First off, I don't know that its fair to blame the All-Father for the faults of His children. His biggest fault, as I see it, is His s…

Archons: About Archons

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Meridian on the Archons - April 1st, 2002 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Archons There are lots of Archons. Lo…

Aracoix: Aracoix and Warlockry

Aracoix and Warlockry I haven't had the time to digest your lengthy treatise yet... But one thing I can say, regarding the Aracoix - their description states that they cannot speak as Humans do. They have not the lips, teeth, or throat for…

Aracoix: Writing their Lore

Aracoix: Writing their Lore To all of you - Thanks for the comments! The Aracoix lore was without doubt the hardest one to write - I went through 3 false starts before the narrator's voice finally started talking to me. Striking the proper…

Aracoix: Warlockry and Language

Aracoix: Warlockry and Language Well thought out, and very concise! A fine primer for Imperial Aracoix indeed. The notion of re-education being accomplished through hideously powerful Warlockry had honestly never occured to me, and I find …

Aracoix: Views of the Bird Men

Aracoix: Views of the Bird Men Whoa - I couldn't just let this one pass me up! First off, I want to commend you for your painstaking research not just into all the Lore offically on the site but also my random posts and comments all over t…

Aracoix: Runegates and Lore

Aracoix: Runegates and Lore Soon, winged ones, you shall read the Aracoix Lore. I expect you'll find it very rewarding. One thing I can tell you that will help - the ability of the Runegates to move between worlds isn't quite constant: it …

Aracoix: In Game

Aracoix: In Game I must humbly thank Lightstalker for the linkage. The Aracoix will get some loving in due time. Yes, the Irekei already have their buildings - but note, please, that they were the first race to inherit their architecture. …

Aracoix: Enslaved by Elves?

Original: My question comes from the inference that the Dar Kelegar hunterd or enlsaved the Aracoix. Is this really true? (Judging from the number of people who guessed this answer, I am not alone in my thinking.) Well lets look at this is…

Amazons: The Creation of the Furies

Amazons: The Creation of the Furies Original: In mythology they didn't have anything to do with the Amazons. They were the Goddesses of Vengence who persued wrong doers relentlessly until death, often driving them to suicide. And they have…

Amazons: Social Structure

Amazons: Social Structure Well, I received my reply from Meridian (woohoo! My first response from a Wolfpacker!). I guess I'll eat my small can of crow, though, because my interpretation was wrong... but not too wrong (hence the small can,…

Amazons: Saedron and the All-Father

Amazons: Saedron and the All-Father Viscerri’s Post: I am not going to break this down and innumerate the sections of my response based on other's posts, as I don't think I can. It all tends to flow together in my mind, so I shall let it f…

Amazons: Amazon Lore?

Amazon Lore? I must, indeed, apologize. The Amazon Lore has languished for a long, long time. But trust me, you would not believe the year I've had. Since pretty much January of this year, my duties at WP have wandered far afield from wher…

Amazons: Aelfborn and Amazon Information

Amazons: Aelfborn and Amazon Information I wrote to Meridian this morning concerning my backstory and my character's relationship with The Aelfborn Nation. However, since the reply I received has some interesting Amazon information and bec…