Shadowbane Lore Archives

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Aracoix: Runegates and Lore

Aracoix: Runegates and Lore

Soon, winged ones, you shall read the Aracoix Lore. I expect you'll find it very rewarding.

One thing I can tell you that will help - the ability of the Runegates to move between worlds isn't quite constant: it comes and goes, due to cosmic cylces and conjunctions that even the Aracoix are only beginning to detect, much less understand. The initial Aracoix foray was just that: a probe. They knew that a long 'dry spell' would follow. When the gates open up again, the main force will come. So, as you see, you don't necessarily need a cataclysm - your guild could just be part of the first Expeditionary Force, dropped behind enemy lines and left to fend for themselves indefinitely.

I'm very fond of the Aracoix Lore - it's the most experimental (from a narrative standpoint) and they're also the one race that comes off, if anything, even MORE arrogant than the Elves! Great fun - how does a being with no lips sneer, I wonder?

Anyway - keep faith! The lore of the Birdmen is coming soon! Right, Vosx?