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Aracoix: Writing their Lore

Aracoix: Writing their Lore

To all of you -

Thanks for the comments! The Aracoix lore was without doubt the hardest one to write - I went through 3 false starts before the narrator's voice finally started talking to me. Striking the proper balance of sci fi to fantasy was tricky, but I think it succeeded.

McDonn, to answer your question: I am certain that among the Aracoix, the Hrak'shyia has LOTS of code regarding the conduct of war and the role of the soldier.

To directly answer your question, yes, I'd expect there are 'sub books' of the Law that define in exhaustive detail the proper behavior and philosphy of every class, from warriors to warlocks.

I hadn't ever thought of a samurai type elite warrior class, but its certainly possible. Such warriors would have to be very careful - the Samurai's rigid code of beliefs might promote a bit too much individuality. Their empire places much more emphasis on the collective than the individual, but such an elite caste of warriors might exist. I expect that the Roman-style Legionaire is just as important (if not more so) to the Aracoix than the elite noble warrior.