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Irekei: Point for Point

Irekei: Point for Point

Meridian was kind enough to answer a second batch of questions I had about Dragon Philosophy. He answered point-for-point, so I included the original questions too. Topics are bolded. My questions are in normal color test. Meridian's answers are in orange:

> Dragon Origin - Shiva / Azathoth:
> I've always been fascinated by Indian culture, and I personally found it very cool you based the Dragon in-part, on Shiva. I must say I have no idea of who Azathoth was until you mentioned it, but it led me on a search and I found this concept very Dragon-like...or I guess it's the other way around, eh? =P
> "Azathoth is often credited with the creation and eventual destruction of all existence, the chaos from which all began and to which all will once again return. Others say the mindless god is the greatest manifestation of paradox, a being comprised of oblivion itself."
> Sounds a lot like the Irekei view of the Dragon you described!

You need to look up HP Lovecraft and the Cthulhu Mythos (especially the Call of Cthulhu RPG) in general to get more info about Azathoth. He's also linked pretty strongly to the original Gnostic concept of the Demi-urge, a sort of "anti-God" who created matter and the material world out of spite (God-God created spirit, souls, and flawless eternity). The Demi-urge is almost always described as blind, mad, or an idiot. The Irekei avoid such adjectives when dealing with the drgon btw, but the literal meanings of those words could describe its sleeping state.

> This brought up an interesting question to me - if the Irekei fully understand they are insignificant and utterly meaningless to the Dragon, what makes them think it will spare them in the Great Burning? Did the Dragon promise otherwise, or did some Blood Prophets have a little "hopeful interpreting" ? Or maybe they don't know at all, but continue because ultimately, they don't have a choice? Doom is inevitable, right, so the only thing worth living for is trying to overcome that? Or maybe still they have evidence that it is possible? Afterall, the Dragon did tell them how to transform themselves into something better - children of Fire.
This leads me to the next question...

You'r eright, I should have been clearer on this point. The Irekei believe the Dragon has chosen them, that they will be the inheritors of the new world to come if they are worthy. Worthy means fit, strong, tough, and devoted to the will of the Dragon. Darivastor was given the promise. Now, from an outside standpoint, this may all be wishful thinking, but the Irekei certainly don't think so.

> Drakes:
> What is the relation to Drakes? The Dragon is a cosmic force, but what are Drakes to the Irekei? Are Drakes beings who endured and were worthy of the last time the world was consumed by the Dragon, making the Dragonkin a living example to the Irekei that it is possible to be worthy and endure the Dragon's Wrath? The Blue Drake description says Irekei worship Drakes - is this why? Do they see Drakes as sort of like a "Jesus" of the Irekei, an example of strength and a symbol of perfection?

Hmmm... Drakes as evolved beings resonates with the ADD Dark Sun world and the Dune novels. An interesting idea, and one that I hadn't considered. Drakes are somehow kin to the big D, and are often named as its spawn. I had always imagined that the Irekei would view them as archangels to the Dragon's Jehovah: mega powerful beings, clearly related to the divine Dragon, but just as dangerous and unknowable as the Terror of Terrors. As for the worship, the Elf who wrote the account may not have been interpreting their behavior right. It seems to me that Irekei would certainly keep a Drake appeased with offerings, and would show it a lot of courtesy based on its kinship to the Kryquo'khalin. It may ber nothing more than that. Some Virakt'al, on the other hand, may actually worship Drakes - its the closest they can get to the Dragon in the flesh.

> Irekei "Bridge":

> "When Khalikryst the Dragon's Daughter touched the Khalinviri, they were transformed. So the Irekei were made a physical manifestation of the Dragon's will - they form the bridge between the races and creations of the Meddling Gods (the All-Father and company) and the eternal will of the Dragon."

> This concept fascinates the Irekei have some sort of cosmic destiny with the world itself, due to their relationship between the Meddling Gods and the Dragon. Like the Meddling Gods tried to defy the nature of the universe, and their own creations were transformed by it and would ultimately bring about the vengence and wrath of the universe. I suppose this would go well with the Hindu philosophy that one cannot change the universe, only go along with its plans...

Yep - that's what I'm aiming for. It seems to me that an interesting idea would be for some (or all) Irekei to think that the wound the All-Father dealt to the Dragon might somehow have bungled the cosmic cycle and delayed the Terror's reawakening. Alternately, the invention of Time might have dome the same thing. Now, the Dragon must be awakened - it won't do it on its own. By creating the Irekei, the Dragon has undone the All-Father's meddling, and ensured that a group of loyal followers will wake it up when the time comes. The means and the readiness are the only sticking points. The Irekei will be ready.

> The Dragon's Wound:

> Kenaryn, the All-Father, and Thurin managed to wound the Dragon....but how could they injure a cosmic force? Does this mean the Dragon can actually die? I was thinking about how the Dragon's blood has affected the world...ultimately it was used to temper Shadowbane. And since it was forged, Shadowbane has, IMO, caused nothing but chaos - which is, as you said, the physical manifestation of the Dragon's Will. The Elves were driven to civil war and corruption, the Archon of Peace was slain, Thurin's hand removed, Beregund betrayed, his betrayer corrupted and her people turned on themselsves, Caeric lost his love, the Elven host and empire was shattered, Cambruin lost his life, and ultimately, the world was torn asunder - all because of the Shadowbane. Seems the Shadowbane is working more for the Dragon than it is for the Meddler Gods' children. Perhaps the blood the sword was tempered with has bound it to the Dragon's Will?

That's an irony the Meddler Gods just can't appreciate.

> If this was the case, then the wounding of the Dragon wasn't weakening it, but rather, furthering its own will and proving that the Meddler Gods, no matter what they do, cannot stop the inevitability of the universe.

You know, if my theory above about the awakeners is one school of Irekei thought, this other idea is its perfect counterbalance. I couldn't have said it better. Now, bear in mind that most Irekei don't know all the details of the Legend of Shadowbane, but the whole inevitability idea is VERY Irekei.

As too whether or not Shadowbane is somehow tainted or flawed, I think you're on a good track. Its connection to the Dragon (via the blood) was done in order to set up a sympathetic relationship with the Dragon magically - by metaphorically linking the blade to a physical piece of the Dragon, the sword gains the power to harm it or else can make its wearer immune to the Dragon's power. Of course, the linkage may have had other unforeseen side effects...

Alternately, I really love the character of Thurin, and have a hard time stomaching the idea that his greatest creation is inherrently bad or flawed. I sort of prefer to think of Shadowbane as a nuclear weapon, as opposed to a certain band of gold that hit theater screens recently. It's not good or evil in and of itself - the problem is, its so damn powerful, it tends to bring out the worst side of the limited mortals who own it. Its easy to say "the sword made me do it!" What if Sillestor was just a jerk? It's much harder to look your own faults square in the eye - notice how with the Elves everything is always someone else's fault. If there is some shadowy taint over Shadowbane, I'd prefer to make it the product of Beregund's curse. A curse he uttered while stained by Drake blood...

> Hrm, this just keeps getting deeper...

I don't know how much deeper I can go - work calls...


I think he was hinting that he wants to get back to his work and not answer any more questions of this subject, so I'm not going to send him any more for a while yet. These last two days have been a major shot of Irekei philosophy! I think we have much to work with and contemplate before more questions anyhow.

This may be it for a while, but it's more than enough, IMO.

Orignal Post By Vhayr