Shadowbane Lore Archives

Collection of Shadowbane Lore includes rare documents

Irekei: Rangers and Amazons

Irekei: Rangers and Amazons

Ever since the Turning, the Wolf has been a force of Rage and destruction - Wolf has decided that Men (Humans, to be more specific) are to blame for the world's plight and need to be destroyed. The Rangers are all about protecting the innocent - the two don't mix.

As for Irekei, this is one of the hazy area in the Lore - Irekei rangers are either Irekei who've left their home culture behind (should be rare indeed, in my eyes), OR pathfinding Irekei who attune themselves to their environment and basically act like rangers, but don't have the Braialla-related baggage.

As with Irekei and Amazons, I figure that these are most likely irekei girl-children stolen by amazons who were then raised by them.

Of course, Braialla-loving Irekei rangers or Irekei amazons living among Irekei are allowable within the mechanics, but not very true to the lore.

- Meridian
Wolfpack Studios