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Banks: Universal Banking

Banks: Universal Banking

Original Question: I was reading up and I saw that banks would be implimented and that you should be able to pull money out from any TOL. Not sure if you could also pull money out from other cities banks(assuming your not on their KOS list) Does anyone know?

Also, has anyone read up if there would be a city ran vault. That guild members could throw stuff into so that anyone in the guild could retrieve stuff out of.(on the case that player A is in europe and player b in the USA)

By RyuShihan

Answer: Actually, as far as universal banking goes, have you ever heard of the Knights Templar?
The reason they got so powerful that the French monarchy destroyed them (all rumors of devil worship and secret magic aside) was that they instituted just the kind of universal banking that seems to offend you so.

A French nobleman could give a huge heap of Ducats to his local Templar commandery, receive a Letter of Marque for it, go on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, and redeem it at Templar headquarters there for the listed value. He could have even done it in the year 1200. Of course, lots of people didn't quite make it to Jerusalem (or lost their letters on the way) so the Templars ended up keeping a lot of money. The fact that the order ended up richer than the King of France is probably the real reason Phillip the Fair did them in.

Funny the surprises history hides, isn't it?

In Shadowbane, the Holy Church has taken up the onus of banking on Aerynth. I see no reason to doubt that an organization that's approximately 2,000 years old can't be sitting on huge sums of cash, enough to vouch for every itinerant adventurer out there. We don't actually give you letters of marque, but what the hey - the Bursar Priests can magically rig them so that they'd only work for the intended bearer anyway. But still they don't necessarily have to. This is a fantasy world, remember - if any player can do a tell to any other player from across THE WORLD, why can't bursars chat with each other to check a client's "references?"

Items are another problem, but in a world with divine miracles and Runegates might it be safe to assume items can move between banks too?

We didn't give in on anything. We decided to make banking as convenient as possible for players. Is your sense of roleplay offended by the presence of Orcs and fireball wielding Wizards?