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Barbarians: Lore Questions and Answers

Barbarians: Lore Questions and Answers

Question: Hmm barbarian lore seems to be lacking compared to some other of the lore stories.

If anyone knows of maybe some hints at barbarian lore in interviews ect feel free to post them, Id be very interested.

Im not goin to be so vain as to think any Ubi/Wolfpack/ect employee will read much less reply to this thread so im relying on all you "sb info hunters" out there heh.

*Figured now was a good time for all those who are tired of reading about PSB (as sad as it may be) and decaying horses like thievery and spying(*

By- The Drunken Mage

Answer: Well, I'm happy to proove you wrong - someone's not only going to read it, they're going to respond!!!

The lore of the Invorri is one of those dream projects of mine, right up there with the Amazon Lore - they're definitely stories I think need to be told, but unfortunately, time is very pressing indeed and I've ransitioned from Lore writing to world building and documentation - balancing these tasks is tricky enough, without crafting additional lore!

The Barbarians and Amazons fall into a little gray niche - they're really distinct cultures, worthy of their own lores, and yet not a race, and so weren't on the list of race lores when all of those were written. You have to read between the lines to find them. The Amazons have been after me (quite literally! I've got the shins to prove it!) for more info, and I've given as much to them as my schedule allows. I fear I'm not going to be able to give much more any time soon, soft as the spot is in my heart for the Northmen (the Grimskoldissaga was the first piece I ever wrote for SB - sort of my audition, and it's still one of my favorites).

As for where you can find info, be sure to read the Half Giant lore - it gives a glimpse into the Northmen's past. The Grimskoldissaga gives more - it got moved from the Runecaster discipline to the History section. Finally, don't ignore the timelines - they may be long, but there are lots of tidbits hidden among them. Short Version: Basically, the Invorri left Ardan before the Blood Curse (why? a quarrel between Torvald and Ardan - not even the oldest Thanes know what they fought over). They journeyed north, fought wars with the Dar Khelegur, endured the fury of the Mother of Winter, then fought the Giants. Once a united people, they gradually fragmented into clans and bands, which fought many wars and bitter feuds amongst themselves. They also have always raided the Southlands, and during Cambruin's reign tried to topple the High Kingdom.

They venerate Torvald as their father, and Lashava the Sea Lady is their mother. Lashava and Torvald never really got along - she's known for her wicked temper, and is said to live under the sea, brewing storms. The Invorri tend to avoid her. They praise the All-Father's name, but have never really worshipped him - for too much of their history he was an absentee landlord, who never really did that much for them. As Conan said of Crom - he gave the Invorri the spirit to live and the strength to crush their enemies. What more can they ask for?

I hope this helps. More lore will be forthcoming, and as the worlds get laid out I'm trying to build as much historical relevancy into them and the meta plot as I can. Keep digging, and if in doubt, just go with anything Norse!