Shadowbane Lore Archives

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Elves: Gods and Demi-Gods

Elves: Gods and Demi-Gods

Original: And one more question, unrelated to Rangers. My character and the guild I'm in, House Lok-ri, are Gwaridorn and as such have an affinity for the sea. Are there going to be any sea gods or star gods and if so do you have names for them yet? Would be fun to be able to reference them and what not. Thanks.

Answer: As for sea gods, the Elves venerate Corrinandor the Mariner, one of the Sidhe (Elvish Demigods). He's a sailor and a tamer of the sea more than a Poseidon-like master of it. The Elves have another Sidhe called Dernilla the Star Weaver. I figure Volliandra the Goddess of Dreams may also have had some power over the sea, but the Dragon did her in. Among Humans, the ocean is associated with one of the Titans - Lashava, the wife of Torvald and mother of the Northmen. She's known for her profoundly BAD temper. I imagine that sea gods will finally be dealt with full-on in some future expansion that includes ships and things.

Hope this helps!