Shadowbane Lore Archives

Collection of Shadowbane Lore includes rare documents


Known as the “Queen of Winter” or “Queen of Ice”, Frykka was roused from her rest by Torvald to drive away the Elves. She then turned her fury on the Northmen and it was Torvald who subdued her atop the Sturmgrammestor, the Peak of the Storm’s Fury. Torvald's mighty hammer stunned the pale goddess, and his great strength held her through all her raging, until at last her powers were broken. So the Father of Northmen wrested away the mastery of lightning and thunder, becoming the first of the Storm Lords. Frykka may still brood in her cave at the roof of the World, and sending wind and cold and ice against us, but we Northmen are strong, and long we have endured her wrath.