Shadowbane Lore Archives

Collection of Shadowbane Lore includes rare documents

Xaicheb the Aracean

Halt, and go no further. None native to this world may enter these lands, for they are now claimed by the Autarch of the Glorious Empire of Aracoix. All unauthorized entry is forbidden. Turn back now and you shall live. Proceed and be destroyed. Decide quickly -- this parley grows tiresome.

Who are you?

I am a soldier, heptarch of the Eighty-sixth Legion of the Second Expeditionary Force, a living instrument of the Autarch's will. I have served the empire since the day I first took flight, and have earned the honor of joining the Aracean Guard, the Empire's most elite legions. We Aracean from the vanguard of the Second Expeditionary Force, which shall ultimately lay the foundation for the subjugation of this world and all it's fragments. Do not misunderstand me: this event will happen, as surely as this world turns itself toward the sun each morning. The victory of the Glorious Empire of Aracoix is the only constant in the universe.

There need be no shame in submitting to a superior culture: those of this world who earn the honor shall be granted the privilege of serving the Glorious Empire of Aracoix. Those who resist shall be destroyed, along with all others who are unable or unfit to serve. We shall bring order and harmony to this shattered world, and transform it into a new paradise. This is a great honor. Rejoice in it, and be thankful that your strange world has earned the attention of the Autarch.

Why are you Aracoix Here?

The Expeditionary forces of the Glorious Empire are commissioned to pacify the fragments of Aerynth and incorporate them into the Empire. When the peridules open, the expeditionaries shall serve as the vanguard of the Aracoix invasion. We are here in pursuance of that duty.

Ah, I see I misunderstood your question. As to why we expeditionaries have come to this precise stretch of ... desert, the matter is far beyond you understanding. Put simply, many high Savants have uncovered evidence of an ancient civilization that once flourished here. These ruins may hold the key to understanding the debased arcane techniques practices by the duriacoix of this world. The Heirarchs have decreed that the next phase of colonization cannot begin until the Assembly of Savants has unraveled the mystery of this so-called "magic" and "faith". My division has secured many of these ancient ruins so that our Savants can study them. You will not inhibit our work. You cannot. The will of the Empire cannot be diverted: this is the nature of reality. In time, all the scattered savages of this world will come to understand.

Tell me of your homeworld, birdman.

Mind your tongue, heavy one. I am no exarch, duriacoix, or mere "bird." I am Aracean, initiated into the deepest meanings of the Hrak'shiya. We alone can claim the mantle of sentience, for only we have mastered the deepest secrets of reality and deciphere the Hrak'shiya, the Legacy of the Old Ones.

My homeworld is a place of wonders far beyond your primitive conception. I can still remember the winds there, so different from your skies, with air as thin and still as the blood of an eel. We are the masters of the homeworld, and upon the highest peaks we found the ancient creations of the Old Ones, including the peridules, the portals that have allowed the Glorious Empire of Aracoix to bring order to dozens of worlds. In the end, your world shall be just one more. I shall speak no more of my homeworld -- you are not worthy to even imagine it. Yes, the homeworld has a name. No, you may not hear it.
