Shadowbane Lore Archives

Collection of Shadowbane Lore includes rare documents

Herogar Torvaldson

Called the Thane of Thanes by the Northmen, Herogar was given the mighty gift of the Storm Lords by Torvald before he left on his long quest to seek the All-Father. Presumably, it was Herogar who passed on the knowledge of the Storm Lords to the rest of the Northmen. Herogar, the first High Thane of the Northmen lived in a hall was called Hrottborg. He eventually left Hrottborg and his twelve sons to wander the wastes of the North to learn the will of Torvald. Herogar did not return from this quest and his dozen sons fell to feuding amongst themselves. Cuthric Grimskold was one of Herogar’s sons who tired of the squabbling and left to search for him in the wild Northern mountains. It was Cuthric who discovered that Herogar had been killed by Ymur the giant-king and buried beneath a runestone, head pointed south in eternal shame. Ymur also carved upon the stone how he had died and was buried, making his shame eternal.