Shadowbane Lore Archives

Collection of Shadowbane Lore includes rare documents

Turning, The: About the Turning

The Turning

The Turning is easily the most significant event in the history of Aerynth (at least since Time began).

About a hundred years ago, on the day the last stronghold of the Elves fell, the High King Cambruin was betrayed and murdered by one of his Champions, pinned to the World Tree by Shadowbane. The King died, the World Tree turned to stone, and all hell broke loose.

Earthquakes, rains of blood, sotrms, you name it. The entire world was shaken up pretty badly, and then broken into fragments that now hang in the void.

Furthermore, the Gods all got really quiet, new magics (specifically Warlockry) started to appear, the occasional Huamns were born as Shades, and everyone who died rose up as Undead - at least until the advent of the Tree of Life.

Initially, in the Dark Years, chaos reigned. All the old nations crumbled, as each fragment found itself cut off. Plague, rebellion, and disasters ran rampant. In the years since, the Runegates have allowed travel between the fragments, and things have gotten a little better... but just a little. Some lands are almost safe again, while the rest are bathed in constant warfare.

Many want to heal the world, to rebuild the empires of the past and regain Aerynth's lost glory. Others want to abolish the past and build something entirely new. The Turning defined just about everything about the Age of Strife.

And the trickiest part is, sages still can't agree on exactly what it was or why it happened - they just know what was going on right before it happened.