Shadowbane Lore Archives

Collection of Shadowbane Lore includes rare documents


Kudular Abaji

Kudular is the last survivor of a Virakt slaughtered by a crusading bunch of Templars on his home fragment. The visions and his ascension to Blood Prophet came after months of wandering through the harshest deserts on another fragment. A p…

Khemesh Qor’habat

Research in the cathedral archives has revealed this fiend’s true nature: he is a Mummy. Long ago, before they were transformed into the Irekei, the Elves of the Desert built great cities of stone, now long since drowned in the desert sand…

Finn ap Cummil

Was the first and greatest of the skin changers. The legend of Finn ap Cummil, as told by the Werebears themselves, follows: "Long ago, before the age of the High King and the wars with the Northmen, when the Clans ruled over all the hills…